Author: admin

  • How to latch a baby


    LATCH your baby to the breast COMFORTABLY It is 3am and you are up trawling the internet again for videos and images of the perfect latch. You have been told the latch is great, but something tells you that things are not quite right for you whilst feeding your baby. As a general rule of…

  • Hands On Pumping


    Hands-On Pumping Tutorial: Boost Your Milk Production Hands-on pumping can benefit any new parents who needs to express milk to build supply. Using a hands-on approach to pumping can help increase supply more than if using a pump alone. Here’s a guide on how to do it to support an increase in your milk supply.…

  • Hands Off The Breast


    Nikki Mather IBCLC is a Doula and Lactation Consultant who specialises in supporting families with infant feeding challenges.

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