Hands On Pumping


Hands-On Pumping Tutorial: Boost Your Milk Production

Hands-on pumping can benefit any new parents who needs to express milk to build supply. Using a hands-on approach to pumping can help increase supply more than if using a pump alone.

Here’s a guide on how to do it to support an increase in your milk supply.

What you’ll need:

1. **Warm up:** Gently massage both breasts for a few minutes. You can also use a warm compress to stimulate milk flow. The heat pack is an optional step and if you haven’t got anything to hand, start massaging with the heat.

2. **Double Pump & Compress:** Start pumping with both breasts at once (double pumping). While pumping, use your hands to compress your breasts firmly, focusing on areas that feel full. Consider using a hands-free pumping bra to help secure the pumps to breast. Continue for a few minutes until your milk flow slows to a trickle.

3. **Massage Again:** Give your breasts another massage, focusing on any lumpy areas.

4. **Change things up** Switch up the settings on the pump every 3-5 minutes so you utilise the “let-down” stage and the “expression” stage at regular intervals.

5. **Time** Get yourself comfy and aim to complete the above cycle for 15-20 minutes until you feel fully drained.

6. **More milk please** Use hand expression for 5 minutes after the pump to target any more milk available. Alternatively you could single pump on each side again using compressions.

A note on Breast Compressions

Breast compressions should be comfortable, yet effective. Target any areas you feel are lumpy or bumpy with flat of your hand, or fingertips. Move hands around breast, holding the compressions for 10-15 seconds each time before moving to another area to focus on. See the video below for how to compress.


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